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Welcome to the hair loss community—A warm and inviting family


Background Intro

Welcome to our hair loss community! We're here to support you through this emotional journey. In this blog, we'll share information on causes and treatments of hair loss, as well as stories of hope from our supportive community. We understand what you're going through and offer a safe space for you to ask questions, share your story, and connect with others who can relate. Thanks for joining us, we look forward to getting to know you!

What is a hair loss community?

A community, or social group, is a social collection of people who share common characteristics or interests and are considered or perceive themselves to be different in some way from the larger society in which they live. Its members gather in a specific place to carry out various activities, share resources within the organization, and follow certain rules together. There is usually a shared perception or culture. Hair loss community, a group consisting of people who are experiencing hair loss or who have overcome hair loss and are growing back new hair. The hair loss community was created to help people who are losing their hair to get through the difficult times and provide viable hair growth strategies, Break free from the torment of negative emotions and rebuild your confidence.

Related: Hair Loss In Women: What Causes It And How To Solve It

What are the types of hair loss communities? 

There are three main groups of hair loss communities. Here we divide them into different groups, those with diseases, pregnant women and special groups. Each of these can be subdivided into several types. Please refer to the following for details.

For hair loss caused by diseases

Alopecia areata and some other autoimmune diseases, goiter, hypertension and multiple sclerosis may cause hair loss. Alopecia areata communities are the most common among them. Many hospitals have established communities to follow patients' conditions and provide them with detailed counseling and treatment services for hair loss due to disease. Hair loss due to cancer treatment (like chemotherapy) or certain surgeries (like radiation therapy) and medications can also be very troubling, so some hospitals have set up communities to address this "after-effect". Patients can share their conditions, seek ways to recover, encourage each other and support each other until their health is restored. These communities are usually organized by the hospital or by patients with similar conditions who organize themselves.

Related: Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss: Why Does It Occurs And How To Manage

For those post-pregnancy hair loss

Postpartum hair loss is probably something that every mother needs to experience. Many new moms see noticeable hair loss a few months after having a baby. This is normal — and not true hair loss. Dermatologists refer to this condition as excessive hair shedding. The excessive shedding is caused by falling estrogen levels. Usually, women experience more severe hair loss than usual during the 3 months after giving birth. However, postpartum hair loss is only temporary and your hair can be restored with active care. Your OB/GYN may recommend a community for postpartum hair loss. In the community, new mothers can learn about the manifestations of hair loss, discuss strategies for dealing with hair loss and ways to take care of their hair afterwards. The doctor will also give targeted maintenance advice. Most of these communities are made up of women who gave birth during the same time period or had similar birth dates.

For special groups

For teenagers and children, the hair loss community focuses on the development of the child's physical and mental health. Some teens and children experience hair loss from a young age, which can be caused by genetic inheritance, bad habits or rare diseases. Such communities are usually formed spontaneously by the parents of these children. In the case of genetic inheritance, hair loss cannot be completely cured, so the community works to allow the child to accept themselves as different from others, to relieve anxiety through counseling or socialization with their peers, and to guide the child to step out of the shadows and embrace themselves. For bad habits, the community will educate children to develop good behavioral habits, keep personal hygiene clean and tidy, and correct wrong habits through interactive games to prevent hair loss from happening again. For rare diseases, the community will strive to seek medical help and share the latest research on the treatment of diseases to help children recover as soon as possible.

For the elderly, the hair loss community focuses on paying attention to the emotions, alleviating loneliness and providing intimate companionship. In addition to that, find out if hair loss is caused by an underlying disease. Hair loss in the elderly is usually due to advanced age. As we age and our body functions decline, the hair follicles will shrink faster and the hair loss problem will get worse. Therefore, the senior hair loss community was established primarily to enhance mood, improve mindset, and provide care and concern. Such communities are usually established by local governments or street communities.

How to join a hair loss community?  

If you're new to hair loss, you may have no idea how to find the hair loss community. We've listed six practical ways to quickly find your target community, so keep scrolling!

#1 Find hospital-organized associations

Some hospitals may have organizations within the hospital that provide community services depending on the type of disease. For example, patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy are brought together to educate them about treatment measures for hair loss due to chemotherapy. If you are suffering from hair loss due to a disease, you can seek help from the hospital where you are being treated. Consult the nursing staff responsible for your care, or the attending physician, and they will tell you how to join the community. You can also call the hospital's front desk and ask if the hospital has a hair loss community and they will be happy to help you. Once you get the contact information, you may need to fill out some forms and provide some personal information so that members of the community can get to know you better.

#2 Join hair loss clubs

A hair loss club is an organization in which people who are afflicted by hair loss gather for the purpose of gaining new hair. Members may meet weekly or every two or three days at an agreed upon time to exchange information about hair loss, share experiences with hair loss and personal ways to counteract it. Usually, the activities carried out by hair loss clubs tend to be recreational, as they are not only aimed at improving hair loss problems, but also work to improve the quality of life and give you a positive mindset. For example, a group picnic is organized and a group photo is taken as a souvenir. You may find fliers on the walls of stores while walking, or the names of relevant clubs in shopping malls. The flyer will leave information about the club's founder or members and contact information, and you can get an overview of the organization through your cell phone. If you already have an interest, you can also go directly to the club you want to join and submit an application, and they will be happy to accept you.

#3 Participate in conferences

As hair loss has become a common problem, conferences about it are held regularly. You can attend the annual patient conference organized by the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, and it will surely benefit you a lot. You will be able to meet many people in a similar situation to you, and you will be able to adapt quickly to the warm atmosphere and feel very comfortable there. You may meet many new people or find a close friend who can accompany you throughout your hair loss journey. Participants at meetings are usually from different hair loss communities, so you can ask them for help in finding a hair loss community near you and joining it. Going to online conferences is also a great way to join the hair loss community. You can also find a community through putting in a request at a conference or reaching out to a conference member individually.

#4 Access to newspapers

Some of the older hair loss communities sometimes take up a section in the newspaper. The founders established them at a time when hair loss was not yet a concern. However, as time progressed and the problem of hair loss became more serious and drew public attention, these hair loss communities became known. People with hair loss gained physical and mental pleasure from the communities and expressed their appreciation for them by contributing articles and calling on more people with hair loss to join them. These articles are then used and published in newspapers so that more people suffering from hair loss can get help. Usually, the newspaper will include the full address, phone number or email address of these hair loss communities.You can contact them by phone, email, or by going directly to their destination. If there is no contact information left in the newspaper, you can also consult the editorial staff of the newspaper to get the information of the author of the article.

#5 Make use of online search

Searching online is an easy way to find the hair loss community. Some hair loss communities create their own websites to post events and meeting highlights, which are important for people with hair loss. All you need to do is download a few browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Safari, etc. Simply type in a few keywords like "hair loss community" or "hair loss support group" and you will find hair loss communities all over the world. You can also use the advanced filtering feature to eliminate irrelevant search results and use the sorting feature to find the community closest to you. The online search includes a large number of community images and videos of community activities, so you can easily find out what they've been up to, get in touch with them, and join them quickly.

#6 Follow social media

As a generation living in the information age, we are dealing with social media all the time. Currently, social media is an increasingly common way to deliver information. We suggest that you pay more attention to social software such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, they can surely provide you with some useful knowledge in your belt. There are many internet celebrities who have experienced hair loss and belong to some kind of hair loss community. They document their journey of overcoming hair loss in words, pictures or videos and post them in these social media to help them join the community and lead others who are experiencing the same to change themselves and build their confidence. You will definitely be impressed by their optimistic mindset and confident demeanor. You can message them and ask them about their hair loss community. Sometimes they are live online and you can interact with them to get information about the hair loss community.

Why you should join a hair loss community? 

Joining a hair loss community can provide emotional support, helpful information and tips, access to experts, and networking opportunities. Being part of such a community can make you feel less alone and more empowered as you manage hair loss.

#1 Make new friends

Locking yourself in your home will cut you off from the outside world. People are social, and shutting yourself off will only make you more depressed. Get out and meet new people and you will find that the world is much better than you thought. Joining a hair loss community is your first step to making new friends. There are many people who are going through similar experiences as you, and by talking to them freely, you can find like-minded people to walk with you through the long journey of overcoming hair loss.

#2 Removing psychological barriers

You may be intimidated by thinning hair. Do you worry about strangers gawking at you with strange looks or even always feeling like people around you are laughing at you? The truth is that this is not the case. Talk to people in your hair loss community who understand your feelings and can relate to your situation. Ask the experienced people in the community for advice and they will respond to your questions with enthusiasm and tell you about their own journey through hair loss, making you feel warm and gentle. There, you don't have to be formal or worry about what others think. People in the hair loss community are very friendly and kind, and you can trust them completely. No one cares what your hair looks like, everyone is more concerned with what's really going on inside. You can feel their warmth and charm, and you will have a wonderful feeling like you are glowing.

Related: What Makes Hair Toppers The Wonderful Choice For Thinning Hair?

#3 Avoid the wrong treatment

Perhaps you are thinking about whether to undergo surgery or other medical treatment. But wait first. Don't make a hasty decision until you know if there are side effects to the treatment. Maybe you've already consulted your doctor for advice, but as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. There is no shortage of patients in the hair loss community who have already tried various medications or surgical treatments, so you can ask them about their experiences and how they really feel after receiving treatment. They will tell you the truth, save you the trouble, and recommend the most appropriate treatment for your individual condition. These experiences are invaluable and are a unique resource within the hair loss community.

#4 Get rid of loneliness

One of the most important benefits of joining a hair loss community is the power to alleviate the isolation that people with hair loss feel. Most people who experience hair loss are overwhelmed, feel anxious but don't know who to turn to, and end up alone and helpless as they suffer the stress in silence. However, a hair loss community can be the place you want to be. In a harmonious and comfortable environment, you can reveal your heart and voice out your loneliness, and the members of the community will be able to empathize with you and actively encourage you to interact closely with them, giving you warm enough comfort. You will feel excited about being recognized by others and will build deep friendships and strong emotional bonds with other members.

#5 Express negative emotions freely

Perhaps you are struggling with the sadness of not having anyone to talk to about your anger and frustration, and therefore not being able to dissipate it. By joining a hair loss community, you will not only gain a lot of compassion and praise, but also spiritual enrichment and emotional relief. If you don't want your family to worry a lot about you, but expect someone to embrace all your negative emotions, a hair loss community is the place to go. You can talk about your experiences and misfortunes with impunity, express grievances and pain, release negative emotions, make yourself feel better and improve your psychological condition. At the same time, receiving care and love from other members is helpful to maintain a positive mindset to face the hair loss problem.

#6 Learn effective coping skills

In terms of mindfulness, members can learn ways to calm themselves, such as breathing exercises and logic training, or they can practice yoga to achieve relaxation. You will also be able to learn to control your emotions, reduce the negative effects of emotions, stop self-denial in time and break the vicious circle. After adapting to the concept and culture of the hair loss community, you will not easily bow down in front of difficulties and stress. Socially, community members will encourage you to actively interact with people, and you can practice with them in various social situations so that over time you will be able to talk naturally with anyone. In terms of hair care, community members can offer a lot of their own ideas on how to do it. You can try them out and pick the ones that work best for you, refine them, and eventually develop your own unique care routine. In terms of lifestyle, you can make some changes to fit in with the collective lifestyle of the hair loss community, where being close to members can give you a new experience. By spending less time alone and immersing yourself in the camaraderie and warmth of the hair loss community, you will feel very relaxed.

Related: How To Create The Flawless Hair Care Regimen For Your Hair Type?

#7 Enhancing outward appearance

The hair loss community can also help you increase your personal attractiveness. First of all, you can participate in some group recreational activities, such as playing badminton, running, dancing, etc., which can not only enhance the intimacy among members, but also build a good physique. Secondly, if you care a lot about your hair, you can prepare some hair coverings in advance, such as wigs, hair toppers, hats, etc. Wigs and hair toppers have their own advantages, and both have many types. You can pick a human hair wig or synthetic wig according to your needs, and choose a mono base, lace base, or silk base according to the comfort of your scalp. Don't know how to wear one? No problem, members of the hair loss community will provide you with a complete tutorial on how to wear it, so all you have to do is follow along. Third, hair accessories can also add sophistication to your look. Add bows, hair ties, or hair clips to your wig or hair topper. Lastly, learning some basic makeup techniques with community members can make your features more defined and better present yourself.

#8 Build self-confidence

Hair loss can often trigger low self-esteem. However, once you join a hair loss community, you can visibly feel yourself becoming more confident. This is because the members help you further understand yourself, accept yourself, and embrace yourself on a daily basis. You can feel genuine concern in their honest words and renewed hope to face reality head on. The community often invites hair experts to conduct talks, help hair loss sufferers develop specialized solutions, provide emotional support to members, and help you rebuild your confidence and get rid of the negative mindset caused by hair loss.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post and welcome to the hair loss community! We hope that our words have provided you with comfort and a sense of belonging. Remember that you are not alone in your journey, and there is always support available.

Whether you are seeking advice, sharing your personal experiences, or simply looking for a listening ear, this community is here for you. Together, we can navigate the challenges of hair loss and find strength in our shared experiences. Keep smiling and stay strong!

Images credit: Google, Pinterest, YouTube.